A Very Special Project
Over the past three years, spontaneous feedback from a number of parents and carers has suggested that their children have gained significant benefits from being allowed to 'drive' our trains on our Sunday 'open days'.
Informal discussions with a number of different people who work with families, suggest that the beneficial effects of learning how to control the trains can have benefits in other areas of a child's life. Although this may seem like a reasonable, common sense conclusion, it has never been formally investigated or documented in practice-based literature.
GWRM is grateful that two post-graduate students from Waikato University School of Psychology have agreed to do some preliminary work to document what we, and the parents, think we have been seeing.
Tamara (Geary)and Jacob (Gedye) will therefore be visiting the Clubrooms from time to time to do some preliminary work that may lead to further, more directed research in the future.
The poster to the left is the first step in getting this project started.